Friday 23 March 2012

Competition result

The results of the competition are in via email last night, and it wasn't me who won the prototype oppertunity or 2nd or 3rd place.

I didnt expect to win but part of me feels a bit useless and disappointed today.

Everything happens for a reason, and it was a long shot anyhow, and they say what is  meant for you  wont go by you. So it  wasnt meant to  be lol

Maybe one day my dream will come true?! Right now im in the 'im giving it up after ive finished the orders' camp again *sigh* lol

Well done to those who did win though :)

1 comment:

  1. oh no :( grrr your amazing, dont let this one set you back, but dont feel forced into doing the babies if your not feeling 100%, take a little time out and think about you and your lovely babies, and family. see how you go, always just a email away if you need anything :) x
