Sunday, 4 March 2012

An artists dream wishlist...

As a reborn artist i have a wishlist of must have items
A lot of reborn artists all want the same.

So this is what im looking for to help with staging/posing my reborns for photos!!

Green sheets   in the shade of green  hospitals use

umbilical scissors (luckily found some on ebay for £5)

A hospital cot/crib. You know the ones that are like plasic 'fishtanks' like they have on a trolley and are used in UK maternity hospitals. Hmm very  occasionally they come up for sale  when other artsists who are lucky enough to have had one in the first place, sell theirs. Trouble is they are usually collection only, very expensive, hard to get hold of. And new they cost £400++ And even then where do i keep one of those in our wee  house?!
Proper baby weighing scales. There are various out there but i want the ones as close  as possible to what my midwives/health   visitor used. There are some on ebay but the ones that are most similar are broken ones.

So today ive driven myself potty searching the internet for some  to no avail. I think i need to go lie down in a darkened room now lol.

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