Monday 9 April 2012


Happy Easter everyone xx

So a general update on how the babies are going:

Memorial baby M- He was assembled yesterday  but cloth body #2 still wasn't  right so he has had to have yet another body being made for him. He will look right eventually lol! The last body had him only coming up at 20" despite being a larger body, he needs to be around 22".
So im at stale point with him until  body #3 arrives.

Grace- Little custom baby Grace,  is just having her outfit being made for her. Her rooting is almost done. I  got a gorgeous gift box for £5 from TK Maxx to send her in as my usual boxes would be way too big for her.

Memorial Baby A- She is almost finished being painted and i am waiting on the two lots of mohair ihad dyed for her  from my mohair lady in USA to arrive. Hopefully the colours will be ok!

and my competition baby- I have now named him  Maxwell or Max for short. In between other things im gradually doing his template to put him on ebay. Its all using HTML programming and drives me demented each time! It  literally makes my eyes boggle!


  1. your a busy bee as ever! they all sound brilliant :) (maxwell is VERY cute, even gareth thinks so, i hope he gets a lovely new mummy asap :) x x

  2. Aww thank you Gareth for thinking hes cute!

    I think due to his grey 'just born' tones, hes a bit of a marmite baby, but a lot of people like him so far :)

    Im a bit on the fence myself, one minute i hate him, one minute i love him lol. Fickle person i am! lol

