Sunday 1 April 2012

Racking my brains

Ok so i said id never do it but im considering doing an unusual reborn baby.

In the past by other artists there has been reborns made to look like, goths,  scary freaky horror blood dripping things (really dont like those!), aliens, Harry Potter Characters, etc even seen a clown reborn. Considering i dont like clowns much i actually like the clown reborn i  saw.

You can already  get fairy kits  and monkey/gorilla/orangutan kits.

So im trying to think 'outside' of the box and maybe, just maybe do something a bit different,  but my brain is fuzzled and i cant think what to do?

Do i do a clown baby? one to look like a film or tv character  and if so what?!

I guess im going to have to put the idea  on the back  burner until a 'brilliant' idea pops into my head!
Any suggestions anyone?

And hello to my  new lurkers from my facebook list, feel free to say hello lol ;) xx

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