Monday, 2 April 2012

Baby M update & clothes shopping

Well baby M is almost finished.
I have a different body on order for him as i wasnt happy with the fit of the first one.
His rooting is 99.9% done, just a hair or two here and there to be added.
Then i will  glue it in place.

Next will be his eyebrows, and root eyelashes too.
Then fit felt in his head for his magnet to be stuck to.
Weight him and assemble  him.

I send his mummy a sneek preview pic of him and she thinks hes gorgeous :)

Im also doing the fun bit of clothes shopping for him. I always try my best to match the style of clothes  the real baby had in photos. Sometimes we have even been able to buy identical  dummies/soothers, outfits, cuddly toys etc. Im a bit of  a perfectionist and if i  can match something or get it as similar as possible i will do :)

Some mummies like brighter, darker, stripey, demin style outfits on their real babies
Some prefer softer baby blues, soft pinks, more traditional outfits, delicate sleepsuits and hand knitted  outfits etc.

I drive myself demented at times as i try not to do the  'oh that will do' outfit, nope it has to be as close as possible.
I once ordered a dummy/soother from Germany just to get it in the same colour as the baby had which i couldnt get in the UK, and I have been known to spend hours online and trawling thorough every shop i can find just to find an identical blanket. Sometimes it pays off and i positely squeal with delight, sometimes im less lucky and have to make do with a similar one.

Anyways here he is so far.  outfit is just  for a test, he wore paler outfit in his photos but i didnt have one to hand. Ive currently nackered my hip, over a week of excuciating pain so i wasnt able to go hunt for my paler ones, but you'll get  the idea from the pics anyhow.

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