Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Max on ebay

Well little Maxwell, Max is now on ebay. It took me hours to do his photoshoot, uploading pics, labling them with  my nursery name to help discourage the scammers and editing the  template.

Yes  you get scammers out there, quite a few actually!! They  steal other artists photos then say they made the reborns in the  photos to scam people into parting with  thier money.
Now if you are 'lucky'  with these scammers you get a very dodgy looking  doll   sent that is very poorly made and looks no where near as good  as the reborn in the photo. If you are less lucky they completely run off with your money and you get nothing at all!

Luckily there are quite a few genuine honest sellers out there though!
Its one of the things i will be applying for soon, an award where the judges look at close ups of my reborns, and ask a selected few of my customers at random if they found me to be ok or not.

Anyways Max is now on ebay. Ebay is rubbish at the moment, even prototypes arent selling, so Max will be lucky if he finds a mummy. I have had some loely feedback from other artists about him though, some have even valued him at £700-£800!!!
Luckily my reserve is no where near  that amount.

Here he is here:
Maxwell on ebay (Paige by Sandra White Sculpt)

So far within a few hours of being on there he has 21 watchers yay!

1 comment:

  1. aww hes lovely!! so wish i had the money and space to adopt all your reborns hehe x fingers crossed he does well, you deserve him to x
