Hello i am the 30 something mummy of 4 mini people, and reborn artist at Happy Hearts Nursery.
Sometimes i have 'ready made' reborn babies available, but mostly i make reborns to order.
They come as the following:
Custom baby:
The 'new mummy' gets to chose what kit they want, eg sleeping, open eye, smiling, large baby, mini baby, preemie, crying baby etc.
They then get to chose what skin tones they want, hair colour, hair thickness eg sparse, thick etc. They chose the name, and if they want a boy or girl etc
Portrait baby:
This is a reborn baby made to look as closely as possible to a real baby from photos
Memorial baby:
This is the same as a portrait baby but is made in honour of a baby who has passed away. There is the option of a small pocket in the backof the dolls cloth body if the new mummy would like one. Some mummies like to have it so they can place a small amount of their babies ashes into the 'look alike' reborn baby. this is a free option to have a pocket. If the mummy doesnt want one thats ok, the reborn baby will have a normal body as per usual.
Anyways my website is happyheartsnursery.co.uk
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